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Giving Online Tests with ExamView

If you would like to give quizzes or tests online, here is a step-by-step process to do this on ExamView Test Manager.

Before you get started

  1. This looks like a long and arduous process, but it actually saves a good deal of time once you have it set up: No more scantrons. No more making copies. Grades can be uploaded once students are finished with their quiz as long as it’s multiple choice
  2. You need to know how to block applications on DyKnow to use this effectively.
  3. You need to know how to use ExamView Test Generator to create a test first before you can use this.
  4. You need to have a folder set up for you in the J: drive. Contact the Help Desk if you do not already have one.

Create an ExamView Test Manager Roster

  1. Find “ExamView Test Manager” in the Start Menu and launch it.
  2. Create a new class with the appropriate name.
  3. Open up your PowerSchool Gradebook. You are going to create a roster here first, and then import it into the ExamView Test Manager.
  4. Go to Reports in the Gradebook.
  5. Click on Student Roster.
  6. The Output type is Export (CSV).
  7. Under Student Info, make sure you click on Student Name and Student Number.
  8. Click on Run Report. Then click Open Report.
  9. An Excel spreadsheet will open. Delete the first two rows so you just have the roster.
  10. Go to File > Save As and choose your location. For Save as type, choose Text (Macintosh). Save the document to your Desktop (or wherever) as the name of your class (later on, you could keep this as a spreadsheet for your classes to record your book numbers or whatever).
  11. Close out the Excel spreadsheet. You don't need to save the changes.
  12. Go back to ExamView Test Manager.
  13. Click “File”.
  14. Go to “Import”.
  15. Click on “Class Roster from Text” and find the Excel doc that you just created.
  16. Use “Start a New import definition profile”
  17. Use “Full Name in single field (Last name First Name).”
    1. The “Start Import Row” is just asking you if your first row (#1) is where you want to start with the roster.
    2. If you did not delete the first two rows of the roster after you exported from the PowerSchool gradebook, then you would have to start at the appropriate row (probably 3). If your #1 is a student’s name, then don’t do anything.
  18. Click Next.
  19. Click on the student’s name and drag it to the appropriate box. Do the same with the Student ID #.
  20. Click Next.
  21. Click Finish.
  22. Click “Yes”
  23. Name the File as your class name, e.g. A2 Science Fiction.
  24. Your entire roster should then be added.
  25. Save it. Name it your class title.

Upload a Test to Examview Test Manager

Note: Before you complete this, you need to have a folder set up for you in the J: drive. Contact the Help Desk if you do not already have one.

  1. You need to have a test/quiz already finished and saved in ExamView Test Generator.
  2. Open up the test/quiz in ExamView Test Generator.
  3. Click on File
  4. Publish to..
  5. ExamView Test Player on LAN
  6. Keep the “Limit Access to Students in a Particular Class”
  7. Click Next
  8. You can choose to Launch the ExamView Test Manager after it’s published, but if you already have it opened, it’s not necessary.
  9. Click Save
  10. Go to This PC
  11. Find Student Data, the J Drive.
  12. Go to ExamView
  13. Then Find your File with your name on it.
  14. Save it as whatever you want to save it.
  15. Now, you need to actually save the file into the ExamView Test Manager, which should be open now.
  16. Open Your specific Class in ExamView Test Manager.
  17. Click on New Assignment (at the bottom)
  18. Name your assignment
  19. Click on Online Test Delivered over a local area network (LAN)
  20. Click Next
  21. Click on the file folder and find the quiz that you just created. Be sure to go to the J:Drive. Once you find your folder there, click “Select.”
  22. If you want students to take the test multiple times, check that. If for some reason a student has to retake a quiz that has already been attempted, this can be valuable. But I would skip this one (and the other option).
  23. Click Next
  24. Write a password down. Whatever your heart desires.
  25. Students may access this test anytime: I would keep this option since students won’t know your password (unless you use something obvious).
  26. Click Next
  27. You have options here that are up to you.
  28. Click Next.
  29. More options to choose. I would make sure to choose the first option so they can’t check their responses.
  30. Click Next
  31. Finish!

Copying Quizzes and Tests

If you are going to use the same quiz for more than one class, you can simply copy and paste a quiz from one class to another. You can just right-click an assignment, copy it, and then paste it in another class.

On Test Day

  1. Be sure to have your DyKnow set up so that you can block everything but ExamView Test Player. If you don’t know how to do this, see the Help Desk.
  2. Students go to ExamView Test Player. They need to write their name and student ID number. The ID number is the most important.
  3. Have them open up the file in the J: drive where you saved it.
  4. Give them the password.
  5. Once they are finished, they should click “End” when they are finished.
  6. You can check their scores immediately by clicking on the Computer Icon with the green arrow.

Problems that you may encounter

  • Students need to be properly connected to the network for this to work. If a student can’t see the J: Drive then he needs to restart his computer.
  • Occasionally, a student will be allowed to take the quiz, but then the system doesn’t record the score. Actually, it will give him a “0” no matter what he answered. You will have to let him take the quiz again. However, he can’t take the quiz again unless you have the settings set properly (See #22 under Upload a Test ExamView). If you do have to change the settings for him to take it again, then you will have to wait until everyone is finished taking the quiz before he can retake it. Annoying, yes. But it does not happen too often.
teachers/online_quiz_in_examview.txt · Last modified: 2016/02/29 08:02 by abrashear