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Export a Roster from PowerSchool

PowerTeacher Pro Gradebook

  1. Open the PowerTeacher Pro Gradebook.
  2. Select the class you want to export a roster for.
  3. Click the Reports button, then the Student Roster report.
  4. Under Display > Student Columns, you might want to add the Student Number column.
  5. If you want to list student contacts, add Contact Columns.
  6. On the Format tab at the top, you can change the out from PDF to Excel.
  7. Once the report is set up, click Run Report, then View Reports.
  8. If your report takes a while to run, you might have to hit the Refresh button in the top right.
  9. Once it's done (status field shows a ✔) you can click the report name on the left to download it.
teachers/export_roster_from_powerschool.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/21 12:01 by abrashear

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