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Student Chrome Extensions

Students are only allowed to install approved extensions in Chrome. If there is an extension you would like approved, email the Chrome Web Store address and a summary of why it should be approved to the Help Desk.

Currently Whitelisted Extensions

Below is the list of Chrome Extensions which are currently allowed.

Extension Name Description
uBlock Origin Advertising blocker. This extension is force-installed on LSHS computers.
Google Docs OfflineUse Google Docs Offline.
Google Play Books Books and reading
Grammarly for Chrome Spelling and grammar checker
Learning Ally LinkAudiobook Library application
myHomework Student Planner Digital planner
Read Aloud: A Text to Speech Voice ReaderText-to-Speech (TTS) Extension
Read&Write for Google Chrome Text-to-Speech (TTS) Extension
VoiceNote II - Speech to textSpeech-to-Text Extension
students/chrome_extensions.txt ยท Last modified: 2020/03/18 15:31 by abrashear

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