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File History

File History regularly backs up versions of your files in the Documents, Music, Pictures, Videos, and Desktop folders and the OneDrive files available offline on your PC. Over time, you'll have a complete history of your files. If the originals are lost, damaged, or deleted, you can restore them. You can also browse and restore different versions of your files. For example, if you want to restore an older version of a file (even if it wasn't deleted or lost), you can browse through a timeline, select the version you want, and restore it.

Set up File History

To use File History, you need to select where your backups will be saved. You can select an external drive such as an SD card or USB drive, or you can save to a drive on a network. When the external or network drive is unavailable, File History will temporarily store copies on your computer until the drive is available.

  1. Connect the drive you wish to store File History on.
  2. Open the Start Menu and type Backup Settings to start a search.
  3. Open Backup Settings.
  4. Click Add a drive, then select the drive to store file history on.
  5. You're done!

File History Setup Video

File History Options

By default, File History stores copies of your files every hour and retains them forever. If you want to change these settings, click More options in the File History Settings. Here you can:

  • Change how often files are backed up.
  • Change how long old backups are kept. Keeping backups for shorter periods of time can save space.
  • Add folders to be backed up with File History.
  • Exclude folders from being backed up with File History.

Checking Last File History Back-up

  1. Open the Start Menu and type Backup Settings to start a search.
  2. Open Backup Settings.
  3. Click on More Options.
  4. Look to see when last updated.
  5. If is not the recent date and time click Back Up Now.

Restore files or folders using File History

There are two scenarios for restoring File History:

  1. You need to restore files to a new computer. For example, you've been given a spare computer or have received your computer back from repairs.
  2. You need to restore files deleted or modified on your current computer. For example, you accidentally deleted your research paper.

Both of these scenarios are covered in the sections below.

Restore files to a new computer

In this scenario, you have a new computer or have received your computer from repair and want to restore all of your files.

  1. Connect the drive you wish to restore File History from.
  2. Open the Start Menu and type Control to start a search.
  3. Open Control Panel.
  4. Under System and Security, click Save backup copies of your files with File History.
  5. Click the existing backup in the list near the bottom of the window then click Turn On.
  6. Click Restore Personal Files in the left column.
    1. Optional: Browse to the backup you want to restore, if different from the most recent one.
  7. Click the green restore button at the bottom of the window.
    1. If asked to replace or skip files, choose Replace the files in the destination.

When the restoration is complete, File History will open the location of the restored files.

Video Guide

Restore files on your current computer

In this scenario, your files have been deleted or modified and you want to restore known-good versions of them.

  1. Connect the drive you wish to restore File History from.
  2. Open the Start Menu and type Restore your files.
  3. Open the Restore your files with File History search result.
  4. You will be presented with a window showing folders saved in File History.
    1. By default, your most recent backup is shown. To browse through the history, use the arrow buttons at the bottom of the File History Window.
    2. To restore all of your files, click the green restore button at the bottom of the window.
  5. To restore specific a specific folder or files, open the folders in the File History window.
  6. Once you have found the folder or file, select it and click the green restore button at the bottom of the window.
    1. If the files you're restoring already exist, you may be prompted to overwrite them. Ensure you want to overwrite the files and click Replace the files in the destination.
  7. When the restore is complete, File History will show you your restore files.


file_history.txt · Last modified: 2017/07/10 13:41 by abrashear