Table of Contents

Managing Room Reservations in Google Calendar

Receive Event Notifications

In order to efficiently manage the event calendars, it is advisable to configure your calendar settings so that you can receive email notifications whenever someone schedules an event. When you receive an email notification you can approve or decline the event without leaving your email.

  1. Start at your calendar.
  2. Under My Calendars, click the drop-down menu next to the calendar you'd like to receive notifications for.
  3. Click Calendar Settings.
  4. Near the top, click Reminders and Notifications.
  5. Under Choose how you would like to be notified, check the Email box for the following:
    1. New events
    2. Changed events
    3. Canceled events
  6. Click Save. Any time an event is created utilizing one of the rooms, you will receive an email notification.

Accept or Decline an Event

  1. When someone creates an event in a location you have notifications for, you will receive a calendar invitation email.
  2. To approve the event in the room, click the Yes button that appears in the email. To reject the event, click the No button.
    1. If you wish to email the event owner, you can simply reply to the invitation email.

Review Changes to Events

  1. When someone changes an event, a notification email is sent. If an event has been accepted on behalf of the room, then the event time changes that event will still appear as accepted.
  2. Review the notification email to see if there are any conflicts with existing events. Consult the Agenda panel on the right side for possibly conflicting events.
  3. If the event conflicts, reject it by clicking the No button in the event invitation. Reply to the invitation email with a reason as to why the event was rejected.

Modify an Event

  1. Start viewing your calendars.
  2. Find the event you wish to modify.
  3. Click the event's name.
  4. While viewing the event, make your changes (such as times, guest list, or room) and click SAVE.
    1. You can change the room your event is in by clicking Rooms, etc. on the right side. If you uncheck the Show only available option, you'll see an option to remove the room you've already booked.

Email Event Guests

If for some reason you need to email the guests of a location, you can do this by viewing that event in Google Calendar.

  1. While viewing you calendars, find the event you wish to email the guests of.
  2. Click the event's name.
  3. On the right side of the page, you will see a guest list. Click the Email guests link at the top right of the list.