====== Poor Recording Quality on Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga ====== Many users have had trouble with the quality of recordings on their Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga being quite poor. It is fairly easy to remedy this quality issue by changing a few settings. To do this, follow the instructions below: - Right-click the speaker icon in the system tray (bottom right of the screen). - Click Open Sound Settings. - In the Input section, make sure the proper input device is selected, and click Device Properties. - Under Related Settings, click Additional Device Properties. - Click on Levels at the top of the Microphone Properties window. - Click and drag the slider for Microphone all of the way to the right (100) and ensure it is not muted. * If the speaker icon looks like {{:issues:muted_speaker.png?nolink|a speaker icon with a red circle}} then the microphone is muted. Click the icon to unmute it. * You should see {{:issues:unmuted_speaker.png?nolink|a speaker icon with blue lines}}. - Click and drag the slider for Microphone Boost all the way to the left (0.0dB). - Click on Advanced at the top of the Microphone Properties window. - Uncheck the box labelled Enable audio enhancements. - Click OK. - Close any remaining audio dialogs. - Your recording quality should now be working as expected. ===== Video Guide: How to improve the recording quality on your Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga ===== {{:video_guides:fix_lenovo_thinkpad_yoga_recording_quality.webm?1280|Video guide on how to improve the recording quality on the Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga}}